•• Lookup Window: This window allows user to review entered messages for any day. User can select the desired day from the main window. Additionally, all recorded messages are displayed. Simply scroll to a desired message and click on it once to select it. Next click play button described later in this section to hear the voice message. The digital display at the top show the date for which messages are listed. User can adjust the volume of sound by using the "+" and "-" buttons labeled Volume. The volume control is set to 50 percent by default. Control buttons located at the right side of the window which control the desired action are: • Stop: Pressing this button would stop the voice message currently being played. If there is no playback in progress pressing this control button would have no effect. • Play: This button would allow the user to start the playback of the currently selected voice message from the lookup list. Pressing this button again before the message is finished would cause the message to start from the beginning. • Done: Pressing this button would close related files and return the user to the main window. • Help (?): Clicking this button will bring up the on-line help module where the "Lookup Window" and its components are described. From this point user can navigate to other section of the module. Please see the "How To Use This Help Module" for more information. • Trash Button: Pressing this button allows the user to delete the currently selected voice message. After clicking this button, user is presented with a dialog requesting confirmation before deleting the message. Pressing Yes would erase the message for the selected item and free up disk space used. It is suggested for the user to do so for outdated messages. To see how to erase all messages for an entire day see the "Main Window" description.